9 Things To Stop Doing If You Want To Live a Long Life


Greek yogurt parfait

Make a protein-packed snack by layering Greek yogurt, granola, and berries in jars. This delicious combination provides a balanced mix of protein, fiber, and antioxidants.

Brown Rice

Banana with almond butter

Slice a banana, spread almond butter on top, and store in individual containers for a quick energy boost.

Brown Rice

Hard boiled eggs

Prepare eggs ahead for a convenient protein-rich snack. Hard-boil a batch and keep them refrigerated for quick and healthy on-the-go munching.

Brown Rice

Trail mix

Create convenient pre-workout snacks by mixing nuts, seeds, and dried fruit in portioned bags. This crunchy blend provides a balanced combination of protein, healthy fats, and carbohydrates to fuel your workout.

Brown Rice

Whole grain toast 

Mash avocado on whole grain toast and store in ziplock bags for a fiber filled snack.

Brown Rice

cheese with fruit

Pair cottage cheese with sliced fruit for a high protein, low calorie snack. Cottage cheese is rich in protein while fruit provides natural sweetness and essential nutrients.

Brown Rice

Veggie sticks

Chop carrots, celery, and bell peppers, then pair with hummus for a crunchy, satisfying snack. Great for a quick, healthy option on the go!

Brown Rice

Nut Free Option

Spread nut butter on rice cakes and wrap individually for a convenient pre workout snack.

Brown Rice

Protein balls

Make a batch of protein balls with oats, nut butter, and protein powder for a quick energy boost.

Brown Rice

chicken roll ups

Roll deli meat with cheese and veggies for a protein rich snack that's easy to eat on the go.

Brown Rice

Quinoa salad cups

Prepare quinoa salad with veggies and store in muffin cups for a portable pre workout snack.

Brown Rice

Apple slices with cheese

Pair apple slices with cheese slices for a balanced combination of carbs and protein.

Brown Rice